Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Entry-5 World response 

                “The ethnic violence that occurred in the former Yugoslavia during the mid-1990s has become one of the defining events of recent history. As such, today’s students should develop and awareness of the history of that situation and implications for contemporary society” (Lindquist, Ethnic cleansing; yes, genocide, no; textbook coverage of ethnic violence in former Yugoslavia). This is why it is important for us to learn about this. If we didn’t learn about this, we would never know about the sacrifices and courage people had.  Kids wouldn’t know about all the things that could have happened in their family, or families around them. The Dayton accord is what ended the 1991-95 Blackens war. It was a negotiation that Serbs and the US had. It stated that, partitioning Bosnia into two main portions known as the Bosnian Serb Republic and the Muslim-Croat Federation. It also stated that they have democratic elections and stipulated that war criminals would be handed over for prosecution. The reason the Serbs decided to do this was because of the fact that Bosnian Muslims and the Croats had taken half of Bosnia back, so they didn’t have much of a choice. “Peace has been maintained by a force of 31,000 NATO peacekeepers called the stabilization force, or gent of troops from the European Union” (Horvitz 49). The authorities have also maintained influence over the media and restricted their freedom of speech and press. So after everything that has happened, they loss so much. They loss supplies, food and water. They even loss a lot of the people there that were educated. So now the unemployment is going up, a lot. They say they started this out of “fear”. But what did the Muslims and Croats do that made them so afraid? And in the end, all the Serbs did was give up because they didn’t have really anything else to do, and now Bosnia is not a great place to be right now.

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