Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Entry-4 World response 

                After everything was over, things in Bosnia were not good. The town is littered with ruins and old buildings. Most people that lived there are leaving. No one really wants to go back there. If they do they won’t have much of anything. There is very little water, food and other supplies now. And the educated people that lived there are leaving so find better places. There aren’t many places to work there. The people that seemed to want to help the most were the UN. They are the ones that sent troops out to help the distribution of medicine and food to the Muslims. But that’s all they did. The UN, Unites states, and the European Union would not let their troops interfere. And everyone knew what was going on. There were media reports all about the mass killings and the secret camps. But no one seemed to care, they just went ahead and let Serbs commit genocide. When Bill Clinton became president he made sure to help Bosnia. He issued an ultimatum through NATO, Serbs were to withdraw their weapons from Sarajevo. The US kept trying help, but Serbs kept attacking. “Bosnian Serbs not only attacked the Safe Havens but also attacked the U.N. peacekeepers as well. NATO forces responded by launching limited air strikes against Serb ground positions. The Serbs retaliated by taking hundreds of U.N. peacekeepers as hostages and turning them into human shields, chained to military targets such as ammo supply dumps”(Genocide in the 20th century). August 30th the US led a massive bombing, it lasted until October. Bosnian Muslims also got arms shipment from the Islamic country. As a result half of Bosnia was re-taken by the Muslim-Croat troops. Now after all of this Serb leader Milosevic was ready to talk about resolving this. He went to an air force base in Ohio on November 1st 1995. After three weeks, they came to an agreement.

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