Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Entry-2 Leaders

                There were a lot of people who were part of what happened. After the genocide was over in 1995, most of the people who were the main leaders in this went into hiding. After a couple of years, they were eventually found. And they are now on trial for what they have done. One of them was Serb leader Slobodan Milosevic. There where trials prepared for Rodocan Karadzic, Slobodan Milosevic, and Ratko Maldic for all their war crimes. It was Serb general, Ratko Maldic, that was on trial and said they did what they did out of fear. He was captured in May of 2011. Radovan Karadzic says, “He shouldn’t be accused for anything, but instead rewarded for all the good things he has done.” He also said “That he tried everything he could to try to stop everything, and even told them that he didn’t hate the Muslims.” But if did everything he says he did, why did he go into hiding in 1996, only to be found 13 years later? The people in the court room staring yelling out “he’s lying” while he was talking about not being responsible for everything that happened.  He faces 11 charges of war crime from the Bosnian war. He is also charged with crimes against humanity. More than 160 people have been charged with being part of the genocide. “Convictions have included Serb, Croat, and Bosniaks, though Serbians and Bosnian Serbs have faced a majority of charges” (Bosnian Genocide (1992-1995)). The former president Milosevic was captured in 2001. But he died in 2006 while in his cell. Radovan Karadzic was the supreme commander of the Serb armed forces. He was found in 2008 and is being tried on genocide charges. After the genocide was over in 1995, most of the people who were the main leaders in this went into hiding. But after a couple of years, they were eventually found. And they are now on trial for what they have done.


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